Mon, 30 Jan
Imbolc, Brigid & The Quickening of Spring
An online space for women to gather, re-claim, and re-wild
Time & Location
30 Jan 2023, 20:00 – 21:00
About the event
Imbolc/g is an ancient Celtic/Pagan holiday celebrating the very first whispers of new life and the earliest breaths of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Also called 'The Quickening of Spring' Imbolc is a time to celebrate the stirrings of new life and fertility upon the earth.
Imbolc marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox and is most closely associated with the Celtic Goddess Brigid, who was celebrated as the goddess of learning, healing, the smitharts/craftsman and fertility.
Now is a potent time in the great Wheel of the Year to begin to gently encourage the germination of winter seeds that have been rooted into the fertile earth. Imbolc is considered the beginning of the great thawing of the earth as the sun begins to gentle shine upon the land again and the ice begins to melt leaving a soft and fertile land beneath. A time of new beginnings and new ideas beginning to grow.
Join us to begin to gently ignite the fires of intention, praising the maiden and blessing our seedling ideas for 2023.
This space is open and welcoming for anyone to all who identity as women, non-binary womb folk and those who vibrate with the experience of womanhood.
We will open with sound space, followed by a guided meditation, and finishing with a ritual to invoke the gentle energy of Imbolc.
You will need:
- Paper + pen
- Crystals (of your choice)
- Candle + lighter
- Toothpick or pin
- Sacred space, headphones + a quiet space
- Sacred herbs, charcoal + burning dish (more info to come)
Tickets available by donation <3
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended